A veteran, their spouse and certain dependent children are entitled to special funeral and burial benefits in America. Benefits include burial space at a national or state veterans cemetery for either burial or cremation, military honors at a ceremony, and some financial assistance to help with costs from a funeral home. Discover those benefits and more through the articles shown below.
Find Veterans Cemeteries
Use the interactive map above to easily find Veterans cemeteries owned and run by the federal, state, or local goverments.
Veterans Affairs Benefits (VA Benefits) are benefits given to veterans by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Some of these benefits can help when planning a funeral and a lot of veterans are eligible for burial benefits but don’t even know it. Veteran Funeral and Cemetery Benefits Benefits include a ...
Did you know that flowers have been entwined with Memorial Day since the creation of the holiday? When Memorial Day was first observed on May 30, 1868, flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. That tradition continues to grow as communities across ...
As a Veteran, you are entitled to several burial benefits upon death. These burial benefits can include a grace site in one of the 131 national and state veterans cemeteries, opening and closing of the grave, perpetual care of your grave, a government headstone or marker, a burial flag, and ...
Don R. Sykes was killed in Vietnam on Aug. 12, 1969. Ten days later he was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. His widow, Lorraine Tharp, isn’t eligible to be buried with Sykes because she remarried, but her current husband is a Vietnam veteran, and she thought they would both be ...
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